If you are interested in volunteering to serve on a committee of the STA please contact the our office via email at stahq@stahq.org.
The Annual Meeting Committee shall be responsible for the program planning, content and moderation of the overall speaker program at the meeting site.
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee has a vision to attain and sustain diversity and inclusion in fields represented by the Society for Technology in Anesthesia, while fostering equity locally and globally. Through active involvement in STA, members receive mentorship and sponsorship as well as opportunities to collaborate and disseminate.
The Communications Committee shall be responsible for membership publications such as Interface, the web site, and other formats of providing the membership and others with information about the Society and its activities.
The Education Committee shall be responsible for the STA at the ASA lecture, and the STA-sponsored ASA and IARS Breakfast panels. The Committee shall have a set mission statement approved by the Board.
The Membership Committee shall make recommendations to the Board on benefits of membership, dues, promotion of the Society and membership services.
A core mission of the society is the improvement of patient care through the use of applied technology. Within that context, the mission of the Research Committee is to foster technical innovation through clinical research. This is accomplished by providing a supportive venue for research presentation and recognizing investigative achievement.
The Standards Committee shall bring to the Board recommendations for promotion or acceptance of Standards in the field of technology in anesthesia.